Fresh Album "Stillness In Wonderland" by Little Simz

"Making this album was possibly the biggest challenge for me to date.
Over the last three years I’ve released 10 projects, so my listeners were used to getting new music all the time. But this year, with a world tour and a crazy international festival schedule, I was on the road for near enough the whole of 2016 while at the same time working on this sophomore LP in between London, UK and the United States.

I struggled with finding the inspiration for the album for a while and was frustrated with not releasing as much music as I was used to, but the more I travelled, learned more about the world and myself, the beauty, distractions and trappings of the world of entertainment, the more I found parallels to the tale of Alice In Wonderland and then everything fell into place concept wise for me.

My debut album 'A Curious Tale Of Trials + Persons' was an LP I made about the challenges of how one might struggle with dealing with newfound fame/being in the public limelight, and ’Stillness In Wonderland' is the sequel to that narrative.

This for me is the project that taught me the most about myself, forcing me spread my wings musically and creatively and allowing me to grow as an artist. Im excited for everyone to hear the record and ultimately just happy to be able to deliver new music to my family.

Sincere thank you's to everyone who has supported me up until this point and everyone involved in the making of the record, I love and appreciate you all!

Enjoy your time in Wonderland :)"
