
Since its birth in the Bronx, hip hop has been interpreted in various ways by different cultures around the globe. Over the years its influences have managed to fuse amongst, reggae, rock, classical, mainstream pop, alternative, electro, jazz and experimental musical platforms. As a strong but yet diverse way of an outlook on life, Hip Hop is now a way of life and is here to stay.

Hip Hop Never Dies is a international and non-profit platform started with one goal, to expose new great & upcoming artists and to express our passion for this culture.

When I started Hip Hop Never Dies I wanted to share my favorite Hip Hop acts but at the same time I also wanted to show how Hip Hop is connected with our surroundings and the society around us and to reveal it's influence on our lives and on politics along with its presence in different countries and cultures.

If you have any suggestions, complaints or submission contact us on Twitter or Google+

If you love Hip Hop and want to write about classic Hip Hop acts or about the around the block newcomers you can contact me through Google+ at +HHND.org | Hip Hop Never Dies. To become an author on the site you must have a Google account (I'm almost sure everyone has one) because the site is hosted on Blogger.