"Cry, Girl, Cry" a inspiring song released by LA rapper I Suppose

I mainly created this blog to share my favorite Hip Hop acts and music from which we can learn and improve ourselves. Today, I received an email from Shawn Patel, the guy who started Producers United, suggesting that I should listen to I Suppose, a rising emcee from Los Angeles, California part of the Hip Hop group Rhyme Addicts. With a loyal fanbase, he's been performing about 10 years, and is now starting to get more attention. I Suppose is a thoughtful lyricist that delivers a message thru his music, trying to inspire his listeners.

To discover the style of I Suppose, you should listen to his latest song "Cry, Girl, Cry", a very emotional song meant to inspire thousands of females based on stories I Suppose heard from his fans. The story is about a girl getting raped and starts to believe the whole world is dark around her, but in the end she stands tall because she knows there's good in the world too. A song that has the potential to affect the lives of many women.

The song was produced by J1K and features the singer XP. The video was directed by LA Eyekon and is available for you to watch right below.
