Jaja Soze

He is a former gang member whose life was saved by his talent for making music. He was the founder of one of London’s most notorious gangs, the Peel Dem Crew, PDC. “Peel Dem” is Jamaican slang for “rob them”. The PDC wreaked havoc in Brixton, south London, during the Nineties, dealing drugs and committing attacks, charging into shops in groups to rob them.

But after being sent to jail for drug dealing in 2002, Jaja Soze started writing rap. Today he is recognised as one of the best in the UK rap scene and Jaja has totally rejected his former life while spreading knowledge through his music.

He has turned the PDC name into a legitimate entertainment company and helps youngsters in the tough neighbourhoods where he grew up to escape their lethal lifestyle.

“You need to find what it is you’re good at and chase it. Whether it be music, acting, business or just plumbing. If I had to predict where you’ll be in ten years, I’d say in jail or dead.

You say you had no positive role model growing up, I hear that.

But you could be the positive role model for the young kids coming through, instead of them seeing you dealing drugs, let them see you doing something positive."
